EEI Master Agreements for Power Trading

CPE: 7.5 hours
CLE: 7.0 hours Participatory & .5 hours Ethics
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Program Level: Basic to Intermediate
Prerequisites: None. No advance preparation needed.
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live
Cost: $945
Schedule: 8am – 4pm. Lunch is provided at 12pm.
Select a date to register!
Brief: Understand, Use, and Negotiate the EEI* Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement, and the EEI Collateral Annex. The EEI documents will be compared and contrasted with the ISDA Master and PJM documentation. Also includes complete coverage of the impact of the Dodd-Frank reforms on energy trading and energy trading contracts! Plus – Complete coverage of the impact of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 on energy trading.
*Energy Seminars, Inc. is neither affiliated nor associated with the Edison Electricity Institute (EEI).
- Introduction
- Assessment of skills
- Areas of Interest
- Overview of Power Trading (8:30 to 9:30)
- T/F “Test” on Power Trading
- Statutory Framework for Power
- Physical versus Financial Trading
- Segmentation of Power Markets
- EEI Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement (9:30 to 10:15, 10:30 to 12:00)
- T/F “Test” on Master Agreement
- Review Section by Section
- EEI Collateral Annex (1:00 to 2:00)
- T/F “Test” on CA
- Review Section by Section
- EEI Master Netting Agreement (2:00 to 2:15)
- Review of Concepts
- Bankruptcy Issues
- Comparison of EEI to ISDA (2:15 to 2:45)
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Differences between the forms
8. Ethics (3:00 to 3:30)
9. EEI Shootout Negotiation (3:30 to 5:00)
This seminar is also available as an in-house seminar brought to your office. Contact us for more details.
Natural Gas Contracts 202: Drafting & Negotiations
Keep your career on the fast track – Natural Gas Contracts 202: Drafting & Negotiations takes the curriculum to the next level. Register for the next seminar in this series today!