NAESB Gas Contracts 202

CLE: 6.0 hours
Program Level: Basic to Intermediate
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Prerequisites: NAESB Gas Contracts 101 or NAESB negotiation experience
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live
Cost: $945
Schedule: 8am – 4pm. Lunch is provided at 12pm.
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Brief: : This seminar will focus on the credit, collateral, and “special provisions” added to the NAESB agreements. There will be a detailed review of the text of special provisions used by energy companies, and by financial companies. You will learn the rationale behind each of the special provisions, and why the special provisions vary so much from contract to contract. There will also be complete coverage of Dodd-Frank considerations for NAESB contracts, such as the treatment of book-outs and options, and a review of case law addressing collateral netting. The course will conclude with a negotiation exercise where one party negotiating the NAESB has below investment grade credit.
Energy Seminars, Inc. will not reproduce, distribute copies of, or review verbatim, the work products produced by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB). NAESB Contracts, Business Practice Standards, and Model Business Practices are protected under US Copyright Law. NAESB maintains a list of entities with access to NAESB Standards, including the NAESB Contracts ( To obtain access to NAESB work products please call 713-356-0060 or submit the following order form ( to
Day 1 – 8:00am – 4:00pm
- NAESB Credit, Default & Termination Provisions (8:30 – 10:15)
- 2005 Bankruptcy Law
- Credit Provisions
- Default Provisions
- Termination Provisions
- Credit Support Addendum
- NAESB True/False
- Test of Knowledge
- NAESB Sample Forms & Supplemental Provisions (10:30 -12:00 & 1:00-2:00)
- Financial Institution Sample Form
- Big Energy Company Sample Form
- Utility Sample Form
- Hedge Fund Sample Form
- NAESB True/False
- Test of Knowledge
- NAESB Negotiation Exercises (2:00 – 2:30 and 2:45-3:30)
- Accelerated Negotiation of
- Key Issues
- Discuss Forms and Compromises
- Negotiation Strategies
- NAESB Trends (3:30 – 4:00)
This seminar is also available as an in-house seminar brought to your office. Contact us for more details.
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See what others had to say about NAESB Gas Contracts 202
Great resource for those who want to learn more about oil and gas.
Very informative and provides more in-depth information on the industry and the process
I liked the workshop very much. I gained even more information from it then I had expected. Instructor was excellent.
This is a must for anyone in the gas industry. I wish I had taken it 3 years ago. Very comprehensive information
NAESB Gas Contracts 101
NAESB Gas Contracts 202 is only recommended if you have already attended NAESB Gas Contracts 101, or if you have experience negotiating NAESB gas contracts. Register for NAESB Gas Contracts 101 first!