NAESB Gas Contracts

CPE: Recommended 8 hours
CLE: 7 – Participatory
Program Level: Basic to Intermediate
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Prerequisites: None. No advance preparation needed.
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live
Cost: $945
Schedule: 8am – 4pm. Lunch is provided at 12pm.
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* Energy Seminars, Inc. is neither affiliated nor associated with the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB®).
Energy Seminars, Inc. will not reproduce, distribute copies of, or review verbatim, the work products produced by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB). NAESB Contracts, Business Practice Standards, and Model Business Practices are protected under US Copyright Law. NAESB maintains a list of entities with access to NAESB Standards, including the NAESB Contracts ( To obtain access to NAESB work products please call 713-356-0060 or submit the following order form ( to
- Introduction
- Overview of Gas Trading (1.0 Hours)
- Segments of Wholesale Energy Markets
- Energy Contracts
- Participants in Energy Wholesale Markets
- Energy Futures Contracts
- Electronically Traded Gas Contracts
- Pricing Points and Indexes
- Forward Gas Sale
- OTC Gas Swap
- OTC Gas Option
- Bankruptcy and Dodd-Frank Reform (.5)
- Safe Harbor: Exception to the Stay Provisions
- Broader Netting Provisions
- Dodd-Frank Financial Reform
- Dodd-Frank NAESB Questions
- 2002/2006 NAESB Base Contract (2.0)
- North American Energy Standards Board
- Which NAESB Base Contract: 2002 Or 2006?
- NAESB Base Contract
- Dissecting the NAESB
- Section 1: Purpose and Procedures
- Section 2: Definitions
- 2006 Added Definitions
- Section 3: Performance Obligation
- Section 4: Transportation, Nominations, and Imbalances
- Section 5: Quality and Measurement
- Section 6: Taxes
- Section 7: Billing, Payment, and Audit
- Section 8: Title, Warranty and Indemnity
- Section 9: Notices
- Section 10: Financial Responsibility/Assurances
- Section 11: Force Majeure
- Section 12: Term
- Section 13: Limitations
- Section 14: Miscellaneous
- Supplement to the Base Contract
- Canadian Addendum
- NAESB Strengths and Weaknesses
- NAESB Credit and Term Matrix
- 2003 NAESB Credit Support Add. (1.0)
- Comparison of NAESB to ISDA, EEI and WSPP (1.0)
- Comparing the Forms
- Grading the Forms (1-10 with 1 Being Low And 10 High)
- What Is Not In NAESB Form?
- Ethics (.5)
- ABA Model Rules
- Sarbanes-Oxley for Attorneys
- Ethical Issues for Energy Trading
- Ethical Issues Discussion Items
- NAESB Shootout Negotiation (1.5)
- Negotiation Strategy
- NAESB Shootout: The Counterparties
- Terms of Engagement
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