Midstream 101

CPE: Recommended 7.5 hours
Program Level: Basic to Intermediate
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Prerequisites: None. No advance preparation needed.
Instructional Delivery Method: Seminar
Cost: $945
Schedule: 8am – 4pm. Lunch break at 11:30
Select a date to register!
1.Introduction to Natural Gas
A. What is Natural Gas – Physical properties of natural gas
B. Measurement of Natural Gas – Volume vs. heating content
C. Where does Natural Gas come from? – What is this shale stuff anyway?
D. US and World Reserves of Natural Gas
E. Uses of Natural Gas – From home use to power generation
2. Upstream
A. Drilling
i. Conventional
ii. Horizontal Drilling / Hydraulic Fracturing
B. Production – Life at the Wellhead i. Decline Rates
ii. GPM – Gallons per Thousand
3. Midstream
A. Measurement – The “cash register” for natural gas
i. Orifice Meters
ii. Electronic Meters
B. Treating – Taking out the bad
i. Separation
ii. De-hydration
iii. Acid Gas Removal
iv. Waste Disposal
C. Processing – Taking out the good
i. Economics
ii. Refrigeration Plants
iii. Joules Thompson
iv. Turbo Expander
v. LNG Process
D. Natural Gas Liquids
i. Fractionation
ii. Demand / Pricing
iii. Transportation
E. Gas Gathering – Construction and Operations
i. Low pressure systems
ii. High pressure systems
F. Gas Compressors – Types and Uses
g. Transportation – Safely moving natural gas
h. Storage – Types and uses
4. The Paper side
B. Wellhead Purchase Agreements
C. Gas Gathering Agreements
D. Gas Processing Agreements
E. Gas Storage Agreements
5. Transportation Service Providers Known As Pipelines
A. Interstate Transportation – Firm and interruptible
B. Can Gas Really Go Backwards? – How do backhauls work?
C. Intrastate and Hinshaw Pipelines
D. Allocation and Balancing
6. Regulatory – State and Federal
7. The Future
A. Production – Future of non-conventional gas
B. Consumption – Where are we going to use all this gas?
C. Final Thoughts
Energy Seminars, Inc – https://energyseminars.com
For more information, please contact
Peter Gilmore
This seminar is also available as an in-house seminar brought to your office. Contact us for more details.