Credit Issues for Trading Contracts

CPE: 7.0 hours
Program Level: Basic to Intermediate
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications
Prerequisites: None. No advance preparation needed.
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live
Cost: $945
Schedule: 8:30am – 3:30pm. Lunch is provided at 12pm.
Select a date to register!
The credit markets have changed dramatically for trading. What are the issues and what are the solutions?
How does your company address triangular netting, master netting agreements, and negotiate the best collateral annex for your business?
Trading contracts (including the ISDA, NAESB, LEAP, and EEI) and credit procedures are changing to address the new issues (including Dodd-Frank impact on financial and physical contracts) and greater risks.
This course will explore all of the issues and propose detailed solutions.
- New and Existing Credit Challenges for Trading (8:30 to 10:15)
- Credit Challenges in Today’s Marketplace
- Trading with Financial Institutions
- Trading with Hedge Funds, Utilities and Poor Credits
- What Companies are Safest to Trade with?
- Bankruptcy Law and Uniform Commercial Code Issues
- Improved Credit Procedures
- ISDA True/False Test of Knowledge
- ISDA Documentation for Credit Issues (10:30 to 12:00)
- ISDA Credit Provisions
- ISDA Credit Support Annex
- Completing Paragraph 13 of the CSA
- Changing Supplemental Credit, Default and Termination Provisions
- ISDA True/False Test of Knowledge
- NAESB Documentation for Credit Issues (1:00 to 1:45)
- NAESB Credit Provisions
- NAESB Credit Support Addendum
- Completing the NAESB CSA
- Changing Supplemental Credit, Default and Termination Provisions
- NAESB True/False Test of Knowledge
- EEI Documentation for Credit Issues (1:45 to 2:30)
- EEI Credit Provisions
- EEI Collateral Annex
- Completing the EEI Collateral Annex
- Changing Supplemental Credit, Default and Termination Provisions
- EEI True/False Test of Knowledge
- Credit Issue Challenge (2:45 to 3:30)
- Review Credit Case Studies
- Propose Solutions and Best Practices
This seminar is also available as an in-house seminar brought to your office. Contact us for more details.
Natural Gas Contracts 202: Drafting & Negotiations
Keep your career on the fast track – Natural Gas Contracts 202: Drafting & Negotiations takes the curriculum to the next level. Register for the next seminar in this series today!